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Take That Single Ticket
Take That - 21 June 2024
Single Ticket from Malahide Castle
Buses Departing from the end of the concert
Single | €20 |
Return | €30 |
Vouchers for tickets purchased online must be printed out and cannot be accepted on smartphones or tablets.
Tour Überlick
Adult (48 Hr) | €23.40 |
Student & Senior Citizen (48 Hr) | €21.60 |
Child (5-U14 yrs) | €9.00 |
Price includes online discount
24 Hour Tickets
24 Hour Hop on Hop off Tour
Monday to Sunday, first bus 9am.
Multi-lingual buses every 30 minutes.
Duration: 2hr 15mins
Vouchers for tickets purchased online must be printed out and cannot be accepted on phones
Free Hotel Shuttle Bus
Tour Information
24 Hour | €18.00 |
Adult (24 Hour) €27.00